Oceania Tuvalu The island groups are facing several risks linked to climate change: intensifying cyclones, salt intrusion and flooding besides rising temperatures - a warming of about 0.8°C since 1980 has been recorded
Oceania Tuvalu The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will grant funding to support smooth and effective rollout of Covid-19 vaccination campaign
Oceania Tuvalu A select committee tasked with reviewing the national constitution is now holding public consultation
Oceania Tuvalu National plans to create the world's first national digital ledger have been announced in this week's episode of CoinGeek Conversations
Oceania Tuvalu A recent article by FIFA shows how, despite the difficulties, the country has built a strong football history
Oceania Tuvalu The Tuvalu Coastal Adaptation Project has been working with Kaupules and communities to develop budgeted Island Strategic Plans that are inclusive, climate-smart, and responsive to the needs of different groups
Oceania Tuvalu According to a recent research, the country is the leader in least-visited countries, with only around a thousand people a year visiting the remote archipelago
Oceania Tuvalu The government is planning to use blockchain technology as it aims to become the world's first paperless society
Oceania Tuvalu Tuvalu Telecommunications Corporation (TTC) is expanding its national and international telecoms capacity under a contract with satellite services provider ABS
Oceania Tuvalu 40 women from Tuvalu and accompanying men with drums in traditional dress to open the kaleidoscopic "Fafetu" exhibition at the Whangarei Art Museum (NZ)
Oceania Tuvalu Tuvalu embarks on World’s First National Digital Ledger and Infrastructure Project on Bitcoin SV