America Venezuela After the opposition-controlled National Assembly voted to dissolve the interim government, Juan Guaidó will be no longer recognized as the country’s legitimate leader by the US
America Venezuela At the beginning of 2022 the country established new policies favouring rice plantations with the goal that all rice in the future would have to be local and not imported, as a result, this year’s rice production went up by 112%
America Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro has announced his interest in resuming diplomatic relations with neighbouring Brazil after years of interruption as Brazil's elected President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is about to take office
America Venezuela The country just broke the Guinness World Record for the largest ever Rueda de Casino dance - a traditional salsa dance - with nearly 1.600 national dancers gathering for the purpose
America Venezuela This year, the number of Venezuelans that have migrated to neighbouring Colombia has reached a total of 3 million, and reportedly over half of them seek to stay there as the situation in their home country has not improved
America Venezuela The EU and the US have finally opened the possibility of revoking sanctions against the country by proposing a new democratic political agenda - sparking manifestations from locals urging the government to accept these conditions
America Venezuela As the state nationalised its oil industry - and by default removed many foreign oil companies of their assets - today its private oil companies are preparing to abandon operations in the nation that houses the largest oil reserves on the planet
America Venezuela The UN Human Rights Council has just renewed for another 2 years the mandate of its fact-finding mission in the country, which consists in looking into alleged human rights violations
America Venezuela Thousands of Venezuelans stranded in Mexico and trying to get into the US are protesting a new US programme granting legal entry to 24.000 Venezuelans, while deporting all those who cross the southern border illegally
America Venezuela In El Callao mining region, countless small artisanal miners that once sold gold to the government have been forced out of the area since President Nicolas Maduro has now decided to close deals with bigger miners, seeking more production and revenue
America Venezuela During the latest UN General Assembly meeting, the country officially condemned the economic sanctions imposed by the UN against Russia, stating that it is just an instigation for more war and tensions
America Venezuela Country airline Conviasa just completed its first ever flight with an all-female crew, and the captain in charge, Andrea Palacios, is the youngest female captain to have ever flown in Latin America
America Venezuela Due to the country’s ongoing political turmoil, Ecuador will be granting all of its fleeing migrants a ‘Migratory Amnesty’, which will allow them to stay in Ecuador and even receive all public services available as if they were citizens