Asia Vietnam The industry of shoe production generated nearly $12 billion in the first half of 2022, according to government figures, thus positioning the country among the first four producers in the world
Asia Vietnam Vietnamese are the fourth tallest people in Southeast Asia, only behind Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia, thanks to improvements in maternal and child nutrition, says a seminar organised by the Ministry of Health
Asia Vietnam A plan to teach history as a compulsory subject in the general education curriculum, with 52 lessons each year in high school, has been issued by the Ministry of Education and Training
Asia Vietnam Vietnam has been named second, after India, among the countries with the most beautiful women by the online magazine Global Beauties, which ranks all entrants to beauty pageants each year
Asia Vietnam The Ministry of Education and Training has decided not to increase the price of educational services for the 2022-23 school year in response to overall rising prices
Asia Vietnam Over 60 experts participated in the traditional medicine seminar, discussing possible innovative solutions to eradicate treatments that use endangered wild animals and their derivatives
Asia Vietnam A senior National Assembly deputy has called on the four localities hosting Ring Road No. 3 to speed up site clearance to ensure its completion by 2025
Asia Vietnam A seminar organised by Education for Nature, a local NGO, showed the achievements and challenges in tackling wildlife crime in the country, highlighting how it remains a major market and transit point for transnational wildlife trafficking
Asia Vietnam The glass-bottomed Bach Long pedestrian bridge suspended 150 m above the jungle has been opened; the building company claims it' the longest glass-bottomed bridge in the world and Guinness World Records officials are expected to verify it next month
Asia Vietnam Ambassador Giang, the country's permanent representative to the UN, called on the international community to strengthen efforts to tackle conflict-induced hunger during a meeting of the UN Security Council
Asia Vietnam Technology applications have radically changed the lives of farmers in Son La province, where most live off farming, thanks to support from the Australian government-funded Gender Responsive Equitable Agriculture and Tourism programme
Asia Vietnam Studying primate conservation since 1999, Dr Long helped build a network of biodiversity researchers and expanded conservation projects in central Vietnam, helping to train hundreds of students on biodiversity during annual field trips to forests