Africa Niger Increased attacks by jihadist groups in the North are heavily impacting both farmers, who are finding it increasingly difficult to access their fields, and stranded herders in the South who are missing the transhumance period
Africa Niger Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders call for the release of human rights activist Moussa Tchangari, arrested in Niamey and charged with promoting terrorism and attacking state security
Africa Niger The military authorities took control of the uranium mining operations of French nuclear company Orano; after coming to power, they stated that they would review the regulations governing the extraction of raw materials by foreign companies
Africa Niger A committee, made up of several academics and chaired by university professor Maikorema Zakari, will be set up to rewrite the country's general history, as its current version is largely colonial-inspired
Africa Niger Thousands of Nigeris marched through the streets of Niamey on Saturday in support of the ruling National Council for the Protection of the Homeland and to denounce foreign attempts at destabilisation