Africa Ivory Coast Ivoirian chemical engineer Noël N'guessan has won the 2021 Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation for an invention that enables small-scale farmers in West Africa to efficiently manage and generate income from organic waste
Africa Ivory Coast More than 20 journalists and communicators from 17 West and Central African countries gathered in Côte d'Ivoire for a capacity-building workshop aimed at amplifying the fight against micro-nutrient deficiencies across the continent
Africa Ivory Coast Approximately 13 trillion CFA francs (almost $22 billion) would be needed to combat climate change and mitigate its effects in Côte d'Ivoire, said a senior official
Africa Ivory Coast The first sickle cell anaemia screening and early treatment centre has recently opened its doors, an important milestone in the country, where the disease affects more than 12% of the population
Africa Ivory Coast As of 1 September, Ivorian nationals will have to be in possession of a visa to return to Morocco, a measure, adopted by consensus by the two countries, that aims to combat irregular immigration