Africa Republic of the Congo Nadège Abomangoli, French MP born on 15 September 1975 in Brazzaville, presided over a session of the French National Assembly, as Vice-President; she is the first Black woman to ever lead a session in France's National Assembly
Africa Republic of the Congo Government officials from Brazzaville and Antananarivo, Madagascar, met for a reforestation operation, planting 3.000 trees, on the occasion of African Environment Day celebrated on 3 March
Africa Republic of the Congo Houses on stilts have been gaining popularity, in Makotimpoko, in the flood-prone highlands, as they offer a sustainable option for housing
Africa Republic of the Congo From 1 to 7 February 2025, UNICEF-Congo undertook a field mission to monitor flooding in the localities of Makotimpoko in the Highlands department and Mossaka in the Cuvette department
Africa Republic of the Congo Forestry Minister Rosalie Matondo criticised the 'lethargy' of the forestry administration, which managed to collect less than half of the taxes owed, blaming it for the low rate of duty and tax recovery