Europe Hungary A new Animal Protection Law has been submitted by the Ministerial Commissioner for Animal Protection; if passed, it would affect both the Animal Protection Act and - most importantly - the Criminal Code
Europe Hungary Hungary recorded a remarkable increase in registrations of pure electric cars, with a +63,9% in July compared to July 2023 and now ranks 4th among the fastest growing markets in Europe according to the European Automobile Manufacturers Association
Europe Hungary The government has threatened that it intends to offer every migrant or refugee entering the country a "one-way ticket" to Brussels, after the EU Court of Justice fined the country with €200 million because it was ignoring EU asylum laws
Europe Hungary The Hungarian Dog Breeds Association announced that the Sinka has been recognised as the tenth Hungarian dog breed by the World Cynologic-Hunting-Sports Alliance
Europe Hungary Large areas of Hungary faced severe drought, which impacted summer crops such as maize and sunflowers; monthly totals are still below the long-term average, with deficits reaching 70 millimetres in some areas