America Bahamas Noting that historically the government collects less than 40% of the property tax billed annually to Bahamian property owners, PM Philip Davis said his administration aims to increase the collection rate to 75% over the next four years
America Bahamas The second reef warning station, worth $140.000, will be placed in Eleuthera and will collect weather data and support climate change efforts
America Bahamas The public school system is still grappling with an 'acute' shortage of teachers in several subjects, including language, arts and mathematics, said Director of Education Dominique McCartney-Russell
America Bahamas Positive trends in the latest Junior Certificate and General Certificate of Secondary Education exam results have been highlighted, with improvements across the islands, observe Bahamas Education Minister Glenys Hanna-Martin
America Bahamas Eighty-three women entrepreneurs received grants through the Access Accelerator Small Business Development Centre Women Entrepreneurs Initiative