Oceania Palau A new book of Palauan legends written in the Palauan language, financed by the Sasakawa Foundation, the Palau High School Student Science Club, offers people the opportunity to learn about traditional stories and strengthen their language skills
Africa Chad Boko Haram no longer has 'any refuge on Chadian territory', the Chadian army announced, announcing the end of the counteroffensive against the terrorist group in the Lake Chad region, in the west of the country
Europe Belgium A rare hoverfly, unseen in Belgium for over a century, was discovered in Averbode; the fact is even more noteworthy because two related species, the 'bijlsprietje' and the 'duinheidedwerg', were also found in the same area
Europe Bosnia and Herzegovina With a +31,67% peak in tourist arrivals and a 25,03% increase in overnight stays compared to the previous year, in 2024 BiH recorded its highest tourist results ever
Europe Croatia The number of smokers in Croatia is rising: a new study shows that 37% of people used tobacco products in January, +4% compared to the same month two years ago
Europe Netherlands 119 Benin bronzes stolen by British forces in 1897 and later acquired by Dutch institutions will be returned to Nigeria; one of the largest repatriations of looted artifacts to date, it shows momentum for restitution efforts continues to grow worldwide
Europe Denmark Denmark will increase its defense spending from 2,37% of gross domestic product in 2024 to 3,2% of GDP for the next two years
America Canada Canada has withdrawn from a UN mission in eastern Congo citing the “increasingly perilous conditions” in the rebel-held city of Goma; critics say it is a time when peacekeepers are desperately needed to protect thousands of people displaced at UN bases
Africa Rwanda Rwanda's government announced the suspension of development cooperation with Belgium, citing Brussels' stance on the conflict in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo as a reason
America United States On Inauguration Day, the Senate confirmed Marco Rubio as secretary of state, voting quickly and unanimously (99-0 was the result) to give President Donald Trump the first member of his new Cabinet; Rubio was among the least controversial of nominees
America Saint Lucia A new division of the Ministry of Commerce will open its office on 26 February in Vieux Fort and will provide services previously available only in Castries to local businesses and entrepreneurs
Africa Uganda The last eight patients recovering from an Ebola outbreak declared last month have been discharged; World Health Organisation described the recoveries as a milestone reflecting Uganda's rapid response to the epidemic
Asia Maldives The State Trading Organization has announced changes in the times and places of distribution of government-donated tuna crates in the Male area for Ramadan
Africa Seychelles The district guidelines for the elderly, launched in 2001 by the Ministry of Local Government and Community Affairs, are about to be revised and updated, following a workshop organised by the Seychelles Senior Citizens