Africa Niger Prime Minister Ouhoumoudou Mahamadou visited the headquarters of the Policy Analysis and Evaluation Unit to provide it with working material
Africa Niger The two-year distribution of azithromycin reduced infant mortality in Niger, as recent study shows
Africa Niger A capacity-building workshop on the theme 'Combating traditions and myths that encourage early and forced marriages' was organized in Niamey by Alliance des Religieux pour le Développement Socio-éducatif Économique et Sanitaire and NGO Girls First Fund
Africa Niger Local authorities will systematically repatriate all beggars to their villages of origin, a move decided by General Assoumane Abdou Harouna, according to whom this decision aims to eliminate begging, seen as a growing problem
Africa Niger Black supremacist Kemi Seba was appointed 'special advisor' to the junta leader; stripped of his French nationality after being convicted of incitement to racial hatred, the Beninese activist received a diplomatic passport from Abdourahamane Tiani