Europe Netherlands Registration will be open for specialised centres for long-term COVID patients who can register via their general practitioners in just over one month, from 1 November; the first centres to open will be Maastricht UMC+, Amsterdam UMC and Erasmus MC
Europe Netherlands The Court of Rottdertam sentenced a man for the first time in history for sexually assaulting a woman in the street; the law was amended to make it a punishable offence on 1 July
Europe Netherlands A consortium of municipalities, private investors and industry organisations has warned that if the Council of Ministers applies all measures planned for art and culture, i.e. VAT from 9% to 21%, the sector will lose EUR 350 million per year
Europe Netherlands The new cabinet removed the national nature restoration plan and nitrogen emission policy: provinces are now no longer required to continue the current nature restoration and nitrogen precipitation reduction programme
Europe Netherlands Some solar panels from ECORAN GmbH can cause electric shocks when touched, alarmed the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority by publishing a warning from the manufacturer advising against touching the solar panels