America Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Richland Park, won the 2024 National Christmas Lighting competition as Best Lit Community, while the perennial winner, Point Village on North Windward, finished second this year
America Saint Vincent and the Grenadines The Youth Agriculture Training Project was launched; the initiative, mostly funded by Taiwan government, aims to attract young people to participate in agriculture, addressing both the need for recovery and the aging farmer population in SVG
America Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Amendments to SVG’s banking act address the aspect of financial inclusion, specifically regarding the possibility to establish a basic bank account for those who are vulnerable and possess only a single form of identification
America Saint Vincent and the Grenadines The distribution of household appliances to households impacted by Hurricane Beryl last July, started in September 2024, continues across the country; National Emergency Management Organisation committed to assisting families in the recovery efforts
America Saint Vincent and the Grenadines A new self-referral pathway for mammograms has been implemented by the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital; the program welcomes women who wish to undertake the examination and encourages to access critical breast cancer screening services