Africa Niger Russia's diplomatic missions in Mali and Niger have issued terrorist threat warnings, officially and categorically advising Russian citizens against travelling to these African countries for security reasons
Africa Niger The two-year distribution of azithromycin reduced infant mortality in Niger, as recent study shows
Africa Niger A capacity-building workshop on the theme 'Combating traditions and myths that encourage early and forced marriages' was organized in Niamey by Alliance des Religieux pour le Développement Socio-éducatif Économique et Sanitaire and NGO Girls First Fund
Africa Niger Local authorities will systematically repatriate all beggars to their villages of origin, a move decided by General Assoumane Abdou Harouna, according to whom this decision aims to eliminate begging, seen as a growing problem
Africa Niger Black supremacist Kemi Seba was appointed 'special advisor' to the junta leader; stripped of his French nationality after being convicted of incitement to racial hatred, the Beninese activist received a diplomatic passport from Abdourahamane Tiani