America Grenada State contractor Gravel & Concrete is working alongside the Project 500 promoted by the Dickona Mitchell-led Congress administration to provide more housing units for the people of Grenada
America Grenada A bacchanal, 'totally unacceptable', was seen at the Chamber as heated exchanges took place during debate on the 2025 Budget: the island’s longest serving Prime Minister Dr. Keith Mitchell repeatedly defied orders issued to him by House Speaker Leo Cato
America Grenada South St George Government School received a gift of 10 laptops from one of its old boys, Pastor Terrence Griffith, senior pastor of the First African Baptist Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
America Grenada The wastewater treatment and recycling project at the Princess Alice Hospital in Mirabeau, St. Andrew, has officially begun with the installation of a septic tank
America Grenada The Rayneau Construction Group has once again found itself at the centre of controversy, this time in Grenada, as environmentalists and residents raise doubts about the company's plans on the island