Africa Zambia The Anthu Omwe health centre in the Mungule area of Chibombo district reached the milestone of providing free health services to 50.000 patients in just one and a half years
Africa Zambia Ngabwe Municipality has advised to avoid consumption of fish or water-related products from the Kafue River after reports that acid contamination from the Copperbelt has reached the area, causing the death of aquatic life, including fish and crocodiles
Africa Zambia The Zambia Flying Doctor Service has celebrated the acquisition of a new helicopter, christened 9J-KDK in honour of Zambia's first president, Kenneth David Kaunda,it will boost life-saving health services in the country
Africa Zambia Comprehensive guidelines for sustainable use of wetlands across the country are being developed by the government with the intention of launching them by the end of the year, to address the growing environmental challenges and threats they face nationwide
Africa Zambia The SMART Zambia Institute, the government body leading the digital transformation programme, has unveiled details of the Digital Zambia Acceleration Project and will soon announce specific calls for tenders for the different elements of the initiative