Europe Netherlands The Court of Rottdertam sentenced a man for the first time in history for sexually assaulting a woman in the street; the law was amended to make it a punishable offence on 1 July
Europe Netherlands At least 3.000 domestic animals are better protected from wolves thanks to the allocation of €95.000 by the Province of Zeeland for the purchase of fences and other protective measures against wolves
Europe Netherlands Half of Dutch Muslims have experienced discrimination at least once in the last year, a higher percentage than the EU average (38%)
Europe Netherlands Contraceptives will not be supplied free of charge for adult women; the Hague Court of Appeal had rejected the request and the Attorney General at the Supreme Court ruled that the decision can stand
Europe Netherlands Registration will be open for specialised centres for long-term COVID patients who can register via their general practitioners in just over one month, from 1 November; the first centres to open will be Maastricht UMC+, Amsterdam UMC and Erasmus MC