Europe Liechtenstein The government has the intention of amending the Hunting Act, seeking to strengthen animal welfare by implementing ban on night hunts for gamekeepers and a change in the hunting season's calendar: longer closed and shorter open
Europe Liechtenstein Prime Minister Daniel Risch informed the heads of the IT and tax administration offices about new services and opportunities in the area of digitisation
Europe Liechtenstein The country has decided to invest over 23 million francs (24,5 million euros) in roads, bridges and load-bearing structures in 2025
Europe Liechtenstein 'Google Street View' now completely covers the country, after Google's camera car was on the road in Liechtenstein in August
Europe Liechtenstein Sunday's referendum on joining the International Monetary Fund passed with 55,8% votes in favor and 44,2% against; the move aimed at integrating the tiny principality more deeply into multilateral affairs and creating a backstop for potential emergencies