America Antigua and Barbuda The increase in vehicle registration fees proposed by the government are being criticized by the main opposition party, whose members express growing concern over their impact on the cost of living
America Antigua and Barbuda New traffic management measures in St. John's are being implemented, starting with an experiment in changing traffic lights timing during rush hour to address the capital's growing congestion concerns
America Antigua and Barbuda Dozens of young people added their voices to the chorus of rejection of gender-based violence in Antigua and Barbuda, calling for action and change during the conference "Change Starts Here: Youth Against Gender-Based Violence"
America Antigua and Barbuda Two entrepreneurs from Antigua and Barbuda have been selected to participate in the Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative, a prestigious programme that connects emerging business leaders from the Caribbean and Latin America with counterparts in the US
America Antigua and Barbuda A call to save 60 gallons of drinking water per person to cover basic needs for at least three days has been issued by the Water Business Unit faced with temporary reduction in water production and foreseeing possible disruptions