Europe Kosovo The Islamic Community is pushing for an end to the prohibition on religious uniforms in high schools after a photo of a sign banning use of the burqa in a school drew wide condemnation
Europe Kosovo Kosovo's electoral commission has banned the country's main Serbian party, Lista Serba, from participating in the upcoming parliamentary elections, scheduled for next February
Europe Kosovo Latest report “Challenges of Terrorism Prevention Mechanisms in Kosovo” says limited progress was made in implementing counter-terrorism strategy, which relies on prevention, coordination between stakeholders, early identification of vulnerable people
Europe Kosovo A new programme to track perpetrators of domestic violence with electronic bracelets has been launched, part of the authorities' efforts to address the growing number of reports of violence within the home
Europe Kosovo At least eight people were arrested for sabotaging a water canal in Zubin Potok, damaged by an explosion that caused temporary interruption of water supply to several towns and 2 thermal power plants where almost all of the country electricity is produced