Asia Brunei The Islamic Financial Services Board held the 16th IFSB Summit on 8-9 May in Bandar Seri Begawan with the theme 'Islamic Finance and Financial Stability in a Changing Environment: Navigating Emerging Risks'
Asia Brunei Workshop on Waterfowl and Wetland Monitoring was hosted by the Institute for Biodiversity and Environmental Research at the University of Brunei Darussalam, in collaboration with the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity and the National Parks Board of Singapore
Asia Brunei The Gotong Royong campaign helps to instil a cleanliness mindset and emphasises the responsibility of all community members to keep the environment clean, said the Village Head of RPN Kampong Panaga ‘C’ Khairul Abidin bin Mohd Yassin
Asia Brunei The Central Bank of Brunei Darussalam commissioned Universiti Teknologi Brunei to conduct the demand-side survey of financial inclusion to identify gaps and barriers and to improve access to available financial products and services
Asia Brunei Brunei's representative, Dayangku Ummi Siti Syazana binti Pengiran Haji Marjuki, left for Indonesia to participate in the 4th International Holy Quran Competition