Asia Bangladesh The Ministry of Education has decided that all secondary schools and colleges will remain open until 20 April during Ramadan; in-person classes resumed fully in mid-March, after more than 720 days of school closures
Asia Bangladesh Foreigners illegally residing in Bangladesh without a valid visa are asked to obtain the document by 31 January; the interim government has warned that those who fail to do so will face legal action
Asia Bangladesh Inland water transport strike disrupted Bangladesh supply chain: crisscrossed by hundreds of rivers, over 80% of its cargo imported in bulk is delivered at sea and transported through waterways to its destination
Asia Bangladesh Bangladesh was unanimously elected Vice-President of the UN Human Rights Council, which is responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights in the world
Asia Bangladesh To draw attention to the ongoing hostility and attacks against Hindus in Bangladesh, civil society in Delhi, in collaboration with over 200 social and cultural organisations, organised a press conference and march to the Bangladesh Embassy