Oceania Palau The Ministry of Education has started a school breakfast programme this month in public schools aimed at ensuring that no child starts the school day hungry
Oceania Palau The Senate is again considering a proposal to lift the ban on the export of reef fish, with a bill that would allow limited shipments abroad of certain species for personal use
Oceania Palau An innovative genetic study of ancient remains has revealed new insights into the ancestry and migration patterns of Palau's early inhabitants, distinguishing them from other Pacific island populations
Oceania Palau A newly introduced bill allocates $1,4 million in social assistance funds with a one-time payment of $450 for retirees who have no other source of earned income and for individuals receiving disability insurance benefits
Oceania Palau Aimeliik primary school students have now access to a music and dance programme, German-funded, that provides teaching, tools and practical training