Asia Sri Lanka The Ministry of Environment has hired 136 new environmental officers who will be assigned to the district secretariats to assist in the work carried out by the Ministry, the Central Environment Authority and the Geological Survey and Mines Bureau
Asia Sri Lanka Members of the Association of Leasing and Debt Payers protested in front of police headquarters in Colombo, claiming that they authorised illegal seizures of vehicles, and urged the President to intervene
Asia Sri Lanka The Sri Lanka Export Development Corporation's latest report revealed that the country has reached an all-time high of $16,17 billion in export earnings in 2024
Asia Sri Lanka The first Hindi certificate course in Sri Lanka through open and distance learning was recently launched, a collaborative initiative between the Sri Lanka Open University and the Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre
Asia Sri Lanka Sri Lanka's Cinnamon Development Department has unveiled a plan to boost its annual cinnamon export revenues, with the aim of doubling the current earnings of US$250 million to 500 million