America Antigua and Barbuda The National Parks Authority is celebrating the fifth anniversary of the UNESCO World Heritage status awarded to the Antigua Naval Dockyard and associated archaeological sites with an educational campaign featuring videos about the national park
America Antigua and Barbuda A call to save 60 gallons of drinking water per person to cover basic needs for at least three days has been issued by the Water Business Unit faced with temporary reduction in water production and foreseeing possible disruptions
America Antigua and Barbuda Customs and Excise Division and Port Authority have reported record-breaking revenues in year 2024, signaling robust economic growth in the country; Port Authority achieved unprecedented figures, driven by higher volumes of imports and exports
America Antigua and Barbuda Barbuda faces growing security concerns amid population boom and influx of foreigners, fueled by bettering infrastructure and solidity; the Commissioner of Police said this is not currently a major challenge but officers have been alerted
America Antigua and Barbuda The Salvation Army launched its annual Christmas hamper distribution programme, with the aim of providing basic necessities to almost 1.000 families; 2024 was the first time this included Barbuda in 60 years