Europe Spain The Spanish national team won its fourth European title, a record never achieved by any other team in history, relying on a multicultural and very young team
Europe Spain Gastronomy contributed €374 billion to the Spanish economy in 2023, generating 27% of the gross domestic product in 2023 and providing 7,2 million full-time jobs, representing 37% of the country's entire labour market
Europe Spain The census revealed that 1.038.671 people born in the Spanish-speaking countries of the Americas now reside in the Madrid region; only 25 years ago, they were 81.552
Europe Spain The working week will be shortened for equal pay from the current 40 hours to 37 ½ hours by the end of 2025 following an agreement reached by the government with the country's two main trade unions
Europe Spain A new pilot project was implemented in the port of Algeciras to strengthen controls on agricultural imports from third countries, particularly Morocco, in response to the demands of Spanish farmers who protested earlier this year