Africa Madagascar The Supervisory Committee of Malagasy Workers Abroad met in the capital to finalise and defend a proposed bilateral labour agreement with the Mauritian government to regulate and guarantee the employment of Malagasy workers in Mauritius
Africa Madagascar The World Bank has called for Madagascar to unleash private investment to increase and improve energy access on the island; the country has set the target of achieving 80% access to electricity by 2030
Africa Madagascar A Central Information and Documentation Desk was established at the Ministry of Industrialisation and Trade to promote food autonomy and bring together all industrial and commercial players
Africa Madagascar The National Days of Reflection on Agricultural Transformation to revolutionise the agricultural sector and ensure food sovereignty have begun at the Ivato International Conference Centre
Africa Madagascar 2024 was a particularly difficult year for the fire brigade in the capital: the number of building fires increased from 303 in 2023 to 352 in 2024