America Jamaica Kingston Public Hospital will renovate areas as the anesthesia ward and nurses' lounges, significantly improving working conditions for doctors and nurses, with a US$13 million donation of The Supreme Ventures Foundation
America Jamaica Before the end of the fiscal year 2024/25,work is scheduled to begin on 100 roads under the Shared Prosperity through Accelerated Improvement to our Road Network programme
America Jamaica Some 2.500 residents of several communities in southern Trelawny will have more reliable access to drinking water with the current project undertaken by the National Water Commission
America Jamaica The Amity Hall Agro Park coconut growers group received essential material, such as seedlings, fertiliser and spraying trays, delivered by the Agro-Investment Corporation, in collaboration with the Coconut Industry Board
America Jamaica A total of 14.434 Jamaicans were placed abroad in 2024 under the Ministry of Labour and Social Security's Overseas Employment Programme; 57% went to Canada under the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Programme