Asia East Timor The Timor-Leste Housing Market Development Forum was organised by the Ministry of Planning and Strategic Investment and the Central Bank to promote reflection on the development of the housing sector and identify solutions to the existing challenges
Asia East Timor The One Stop Shop was opened in the municipality of Liquiça; it is an initiative of the Government, through the Ministry of State Administration to modernise and improve the provision of public services to citizens
Asia East Timor A Special Test will be held to allow teachers hired in 2023 to enter the national education system, following a dialogue with representatives of former teachers and the Ministry of Education
Asia East Timor A contract for the provision of consultancy services was signed by the Ministry of Transport and Communications for the construction of the new passenger terminal, part of the 'President Nicolau Lobato' International Airport rehabilitation project
Asia East Timor The implementation of, a platform for document verification, will benefit from the support of the Royal Government of Cambodia in developing technical and human resources needed for the process