Africa Gambia The UN is providing psychological support to many of the displaced Senegalese who were forced to flee their homes and take refuge in the Gambia after clashes erupted earlier this year in separatist-occupied areas the country
Africa Gambia 26.368 people are currently living with HIV, which remains a major public health problem, revealed Lamin Badjie, monitoring and evaluation specialist at the National AIDS Secretariat
Africa Gambia The Ministry of Trade, Industry, Regional Integration and Employment has condemned the illegal recruitment of Gambian nationals to work in Spain, who took advantage of the bilateral agreement concluded by the two countries AGENZIE RAGGIRANO
Africa Gambia The Justice Minister defended the new draft of the Constitution, a reform considered essential by international partners in order to guarantee political stability for the country and which should be voted on in 2025
Africa Gambia The National Rice Growers Association, with support from Project ROOTS, organized a regional dialogue day with rice growers on how to facilitate socio-economic access, networking, and access to services