Africa Togo Togolese Football Federation has taken up the challenge of organizing national beach soccer championships in the coming years; as a prelude, a mini-tournament is scheduled during the month of September
Africa Togo A new rule for importers of fish, poultry meat and related products, into force from 20 February, requires importers to purchase at least 10% of the required quantity from local suppliers before being allowed to import, a move to boost local production
Africa Togo The University of Lomé will host the African Physics Conference from 14 to 20 September 2025 with international researchers, educators and decision-makers to strengthen scientific cooperation and promote physics research in Africa
Africa Togo The country is preparing for the fourth demographic and health survey to be held this year, supervised by the National Institute of Statistics, to collect data on key health indicators
Africa Togo The Togolese government bought back the headquarters of Union Togolaise de Banque and IB Bank to help stabilise these ailing banks, which hold 20% of the assets of Togo's banking sector