Europe Greece According to data provided by the Institute of the Greek Confederation of Tourism, for the coming tourist season, 22% of available positions will remain vacant, given the difficulty of finding workers
Europe Greece Prisons in Greece show severe overcrowding in poor infrastructure and offer inadequate medical care, according to a report by the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture and Ill-treatment
Europe Greece A bill proposed by the Ministry of Health aims to tighten regulations on the sale of tobacco and alcohol to minors; a key provision is that the supply of alcohol to minors will be changed from an administrative offence to a misdemeanour
Europe Greece According to two reports, women start-up founders have difficulty obtaining funding for their projects, but start-up founders and investors disagree on the reasons for the different treatment of men and women
Europe Greece After years of reporting by NGOs and newspapers, the European Court of Human Rights has recognised for the first time as a 'systematic practice' the refoulement of migrants trying to enter Greece from Turkey, an illegal practice under the law