America Argentina Far-right radical, ex TV pundit Javier Milei has been elected as Argentina’s new president, securing the highest number of votes since 1983
America Argentina Thousands marched in Buenos Aires and other Argentine cities to protest Javier Milei’s speech at Davos, where he criticized feminism and gender ideology, while LGBTIQ+ activists condemned economic violence, political persecution, and repression
America Argentina Recent government reports revealed that Argentina ended 2024 with a record trade surplus of US$18,9 billion, driven by a 19,4% export increase and a 17,5% drop in imports, reversing a US$6,9 billion deficit in 2023
America Argentina Argentina is advancing in production for the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine VCN20 locally through a Pfizer-Sinergium Biotech partnership, which aims to boost public health, economic growth, and its regional leadership in vaccine manufacturing and export
America Argentina Argentina reaffirmed its sovereignty over the Falkland Islands on the 192nd anniversary of their British occupation in 1833, highlighting the nation's permanent objective to regain control, with continued international support for negotiations