Asia East Timor A magnitude 4.3 earthquake at 247 km depth was registered yesterday at 2:37 pm local time (GMT +9) in the waters of the Banda Sea, 178 km NE of Timor Island
Asia East Timor East Timor and Australia signed a $73,4 million financing agreement for the development of President Nicolau Lobato International Airport
Asia East Timor Minister Fidelis recently attended the High Level International Ministerial Round Table in the Netherlands on Fighting Grand Corruption, with the aim of building a partnership for the task
Asia East Timor The country is set to become the 11th member of the Southeast Asian bloc; according to analysts, membership could worsen existing tensions in the group and in the China-US rivalry in the region
Asia East Timor Minister Fidelis participated as a speaker in an international debate sponsored by the University of Bengkulu
Asia East Timor Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, was appointed to attend the 27th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Asia East Timor Government proposed to the National Parliament a budget of USD 19,2 million to implement the Bolsa da Mãe programme, to support pregnant mothers and improve health and nutrition in the first 1.000 days of a child's life
Asia East Timor President Jose Ramos-Horta will visit Cambodia next week; Ramos-Horta said he hopes East Timor will become the 11th member of ASEAN in 2023
Asia East Timor The National Parliament passed the Resolution to ratify the Millennium Challenge Compact Agreement, with 40 votes in favour, zero against, and ten abstentions
Asia East Timor Construction of Tibar Bay harbour reached 92%; Tibar Bay Port will enter into operation today, 30 September
Asia East Timor The Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, attended a public hearing in the framework of the project for the ratification of the Compact Agreement with the Millennium Challenge Corporation
Asia East Timor The Minister of the Prime Minister's Office has just returned to Dili, after official visits to Jakarta and Rome, where he also had a meeting with Pope Francis, thanking him and reiterating his invitation to visit East Timor