Africa Gabon The inhabitants of the village of Andock-Foula, about 100 kilometres from the town of Kango, have a new 130-hectare electrified enclosure to deal with the invasion of elephants on their plantations
Africa Gabon President Ali Bongo gave a rare live public appearance at the congress of his party, the Democratic Party of Gabon, during the celebration of its 54th anniversary, promising that he will be there at the next elections in 2023
Africa Gabon The Directorate-General for Taxation (DGI) and the municipality of Libreville have signed a cooperation agreement on taxation; the DGI will also accompany the municipality in the training of its agents and structural reforms
Africa Gabon According to the BEAC report on "Cemac's e-money payment services in 2020", e-money transactions exceeded CFAF 2.062 billion in 2020 (around 3 billion Euro), with the volume of e-money transactions increasing by 246% over five years
Africa Gabon Studying a group of chimpanzees in the country, researchers from the Ozouga chimpanzee project documented seventy-six cases in which a chimpanzee caught an insect and applied it to its own or someone else's wound to heal it
Africa Gabon Gabonese striker Aubameyang, captain of the national soccer team, has signed a deal to play for Barcelona as a free agent until 2025
Africa Gabon Artist Pamela Badjogo has released her second album; the singer is proud of her Bantu heritage, seeking to introduce the world to the polyphony of Bantu voices, combining traditional style with a contemporary touch
Africa Gabon The minister of the public service announced the regularization of the administrative situations of 11.475 agents of public and private media by the end of December 2021, with 2.200 situations that will be taken into account during 2022
Africa Gabon Along with Albania, Brazil, Ghana and the United Arab Emirates, the country joined the UN Security Council for the fourth time, after winning elections in June
Africa Gabon The Constitutional Court annulled the government's decree that established the entry into force of new prevention, control and response measures against Covid-19, which included compulsory vaccination and an end to free PCR tests
Africa Gabon The Carrefour Group has announced the opening of its first shop in the country with its franchise partner Prix Import
Africa Gabon 200.503 people have been vaccinated agains Covid-19 out of an estimated total population of 1,7 million; of those, only 49.000 women have already received at least a first dose, compared to 150.000 men
Africa Gabon A new study has found that the country's African forest elephant population is almost double previous estimates at around 95.000, representing one of the last strongholds for these animals