Europe Hungary Flats in Budapest are the cheapest of the Visegrád capitals - of Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic; to buy a 50-square-meter flat, you need the average salary for eight and a half years, the lowest amount of the four cities
Europe Hungary UNICEF Hungary has launched a campaign called Face the Problem to help children struggling with depression and other mental health conditions and a free online course to help teachers recognize and prevent those problems
Europe Hungary Nearly 55.000 residence permits were issued to non-EU citizens last year, according to Eurostat data; compared to neighbouring EU countries, the number of Ukrainian, Chinese and South Korean citizens granted residence permits is particularly high
Europe Hungary A new Animal Protection Law has been submitted by the Ministerial Commissioner for Animal Protection; if passed, it would affect both the Animal Protection Act and - most importantly - the Criminal Code
Europe Hungary A Hungarian student from László Lovassy High School in Veszprém has won the Mary Renault Prize, one of Oxford's most prestigious essay competitions
Europe Hungary The Hungarian passport enters the top ten of the Henley Passport Index, rating the best passports in the world: allowing holders to visit 183 destinations without a visa, it sits in 9th position
Europe Hungary Couples with three children can get up to HUF 110 million (around €305.000) in support, including soft loans to buy a house, in addition to existing family allowances and exiting soft loans
Europe Hungary €1.7bn from taxes will be distributed to families in early 2022 and the minimum wage will be significantly increased among the government moves ahead of the election, competitive for the first time in 10 years as opposition denounces rampant corruption
Europe Hungary Hungarian industrial production increased more than initially estimated in July, according to data from the Hungarian Central Statistical Office, with the largest contribution coming from the manufacture of electrical equipment
Europe Hungary Tobacco company Philip Morris has inaugurated a 3 billion forint - 86 million euro - electronic cigarette recycling centre in Gyál, capable of recycling 150.000 electric tobacco devices a month
Europe Hungary The national Restart Program helps nearly 1.500 ethnic Hungarian organizations to help with operational costs, procurement and development projects; the figures have been made public by a recent press conference of the Secretary of State
Europe Hungary Festivities for the big St Stephen’s Day weekend begin today, with hundreds of events at 17 different locations across the country, from fireworks to celebrations of Hungarian cuisine
Europe Hungary Despite the critically low water level in Lake Velence, the government - who has acknowledged that additional water would be sorely needed - believes the replenishment plan is too costly