Asia Laos Laotian athletes paraded with a flaming torch on Tuesday to promote the upcoming 32nd Southeast Asian Games to be held in Cambodia from 5-17 May
Asia Laos In recent decades, the country has made incredible progress in health, with serious threat of malaria almost eliminated and national health insurance programme extended to all provinces, except the capital Vientiane
Asia Laos Students from the Soutsaka Institute of Technology received an honourable mention at the 4th MRC Summit competition for University Students for first river monitoring technology
Asia Laos Passengers travelling on the China-Laos Railway can now easily book and manage their journeys on smartphones thanks to a new mobile ticketing application
Asia Laos The programme for the Laotian New Year festival in Luang Prabang has been announced, with a range of activities for visitors and residents from 11 to 20 April
Asia Laos Prudential Laos launched digital life insurance, a tool designed to narrow the protection gap
Asia Laos FAO, through its Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases, started two-week training courses on animal quarantine management in Sing district, border area with China, to accelerate safer livestock trade and improve exports
Asia Laos As chair of ASEAN in 2024, the country will also host the ASEAN Tourism Forum in January, allowing the bloc's nations to discuss travel and tourism issues
Asia Laos Lao Friends Hospital for Children (LFHC) in Luang Prabang recently celebrated its 8th anniversary; it is the only hospital in northern Laos that treats children free of charge and cares for 30.000 children every year
Asia Laos The Lao national identity card system is now back online, after it was down for five months: now citizens can once again have their identity cards issued
Asia Laos The mayor of Vientiane Capital reported annual economic growth of 4,83% in 2022, with the city's gross domestic product exceeding LAK 62 billion (USD 3 million)
Asia Laos The country recorded the highest number of accidents in the capital Vientiane in 2022, over 1.000, with most accidents caused by speeding
Asia Laos An EU-funded ITC project teaches Laotian chilli and basil farmers how to eliminate pests safely, earning stable incomes and supporting their families