Asia Myanmar The junta is having great difficulty keeping foreign investors engaged in the country, as major global companies and organisations are distancing themselves or withdrawing from the country due to the civil repercussions of the coup
Asia Myanmar 6 journalists have been released by the country's authorities as part of a planned amnesty for 2.000 prisoners
Asia Myanmar Local bishops are calling for humanitarian corridors for thousands of fleeing people and for international conflict rules to be respected, so that churches, temples, monasteries, pagodas, schools and hospitals can be spared and used as refuge
Asia Myanmar Thousands of people fleeing after the coup have been welcomed by India's neighboring Mizoram state
Asia Myanmar The country's schools were reopened for the first time this week after the 1 February coup, amid a strike by teachers and students refusing to work and study under military command
Asia Myanmar Students and technical interns from Myanmar will be allowed to stay in Japan 6 to 12 months after their visas expire
Asia Myanmar A recently published document has explained the outlook for the use of inorganic fertilisers in the country, of which a lower use is expected in 2021
Asia Myanmar The Myanmar swimmer Win Htet Oo has abandoned his Olympic dream to join the street protests
Asia Myanmar According to recent data, 60% of protesters against the military coup are women fighting for their hard-won rights
Asia Myanmar On this day in 1960, Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai arrived in Yangon and celebrated the new year or Thingyan with his Burmese counterpart, U Nu, as a gesture of bilateral friendship
Asia Myanmar Ahead of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit, experts suggested to involve China in efforts to stop violence
Asia Myanmar U Min Khaing, chair of the Myanmar Corn Industrial Association (MCIA), announced that the country intends to reach an export target of 1 million tonnes of corns to Thailand this year