Asia Pakistan The Punjab Health Minister Yasmin Rashid has announced that all students of medical universities and colleges in the province will be vaccinated together with staff of banks, industries and educational institutions
Asia Pakistan Airlines are allowed to operate an additional 30% flights for the country in a revised policy of the Civil Aviation Authority
Asia Pakistan As per the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) latest figures, remittances hit above $2 billion for 10 straight months
Asia Pakistan Cooperation plan with Saudi Arabia in the field of customs and tax and to increase the trade volume between them
Asia Pakistan The 'peace team', made up of Pakistani tennis player Aisam-ul-haq Qureshi and India's Rohan Bopanna, participated in the Acapulco tournament after seven years
Asia Pakistan Pakistan has launched new anti-polio vaccine campaing called 'the drive' amid tight security to reach the goal of eradicating polio in 2021