Africa South Africa Thousands of South African Zulus on Saturday celebrated the coronation of their new king, Misuzulu ka Zwelithini, in a rural area of KwaZulu-Natal province
Africa South Africa More than 100 vultures and a hyena have died in South Africa's Kruger National Park after feeding on a buffalo carcass suspected to have been poisoned, according to South Africa's National Parks Authority
Africa South Africa The African National Congress, South Africa's ruling party since 1994, is facing a profound economic, political and security crisis, with the party-state's alleged corruption scandals exacerbating social tensions, igniting riots and mobilisations
Africa South Africa The unemployment rate in South Africa is reaching alarming levels and now ranks among the highest in the world, with many young people looking to rely on the new opportunities of digital jobs
Africa South Africa Hominid fossils of Australopithecus africanus found in the caves of Sterkfontein are older than thought: the latest analyses claim they could date back 3,5 million years, a discovery that - when confirmed - would change the human evolutionary tree
Africa South Africa Johannesburg Wildlife Hospital cares for pangolins seized during police operations, trying to support one of the world's most endangered species while learning and documenting their behaviour
Africa South Africa Cape Town International Airport has won the Best Airport in Africa 2022 award for the seventh consecutive year at the Skytrax World Airport Awards
Africa South Africa A drop in the unemployment rate, the first in almost two years has been reported by the South Africa's statistics agency, Stats SA; 370.000 jobs were created between the fourth quarter of 2021 and the first quarter of 2022
Africa South Africa According to a report released on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum, the country will need to spend $250 billion over the next three decades to shut down coal-fired power stations and replace them with green energy
Africa South Africa The government said it will review its decision to spend more than $1 million on a flag project after public outcry, a work the government defended that it claimed would attract visitors
Africa South Africa The Global Fund granted the country the massive sum of US$547 million to fight HIV/Aids, malaria and tuberculosis in a three-year programme cycle due to end in March 2025
Africa South Africa The local pharma producer Aspen, which has an agreement with Johnson & Johnson for the production of an anti-covirus vaccine, may be forced to close its vaccine production centre because no orders have been received
Africa South Africa The country is enduring yet another round of daily severe power outages, costing billions in lost revenues and production, further increasing pressure on the country's heavily stressed economy