Africa South Africa South Africa's leader visited survivors in one of the townships in the city of Durban that was hit by floods and mudslides fuelled by the worst rain in 60 years, which left at least 300 people dead
Africa South Africa Netflix has announced a 900 million rand ($62 million) investment in the South African film and television industry, with four new productions, three local and one international, to be filmed in the country by 2023
Africa South Africa South Africa is the most unequal country in the world, ranking first out of 164, with a society where 10% of the population owns more than 80% of the wealth, according to a report by the World Bank
Africa South Africa South African judge Raymond Zondo has been appointed as the new head of the Constitutional Court, the country's highest court; he was previously in charge of the investigation into state corruption under President Jacob Zuma
Africa South Africa Kilometres of west coast beach have been covered in lobsters due to one of the largest 'walkouts' in recent years; government officials are analysing the extent of the damage
Africa South Africa Gauteng, the country's economic centre, is offering food vouchers to people aged 50 years who have not yet received the Covid-19 vaccination to encourage them to get the vaccine; Gauteng accounts for the majority of cases in the country with 32,4%
Africa South Africa Environmental and visual degradation, plus an unbearable stench, is what Lake Wemmer Pan offered to the members of the Human Rights Commission in their inspection; they promised immediate action to address the situation
Africa South Africa The City of Cape Town has launched a citywide clean-up campaign in a bid to create clean communities around the city over the next two months for which €5 million has been allocated
Africa South Africa A court has heard a plea from some Khoisan indigenous community groups seeking to stop the construction of Amazon's African headquarters on land the community considers sacred outside Cape Town
Africa South Africa A report has been published detailing the fruits of four years of investigations to unravel the system of fraud of former President Jacob Zuma
Africa South Africa The Grahamstown High Court in Makhanda ordered Shell to immediately cease seismic exploration activities along the Wild Coast, obliging Shell and the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy to pay the costs of the application for an interim ban
Africa South Africa Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the Anglican cleric, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize as he led the fight to end apartheid in his country, has died at the age of 90
Africa South Africa Pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson has signed an agreement to license Aspen Pharmacare of South Africa to produce its single-dose anticovid vaccine for the African market