Europe United Kingdom Hannah Mills became the team's most decorated female sailor, while 13-year-old Sky Brown became the country's youngest medallist, taking bronze in skateboarding
Europe United Kingdom Grenfell Tower in North Kensington, London, will be demolished almost eight years after the fire that killed 72 people; it will take around two years to dismantle the tower and it will be done in a 'sensitive' manner, the government said
Europe United Kingdom Fraudsters who fail to repay their debts of over £1.000 could be stripped of their driving licences and punished with a driving ban of up to two years, under government plans to crack down on fraud
Europe United Kingdom Railway regulator Transport Focus urged rail companies to adopt a system of 'yellow cards' for passengers travelling without the correct ticket, rather than handing out penalties or prosecution that should only be used in the event of a relapse
Europe United Kingdom London Zoo is about to carry out the census of its over 20.000 individuals from 698 species of animals; the annual survey is expected to take about a week and results will be shared with zoos around the world to help manage global conservation programmes