Europe Slovakia Pensioners will receive a one-off bonus of €300, instead of the initially promised €150, by the end of the year, thanks to the additional €220 million found in the budget after talks with Finance Minister Ladislav Kamenicky
Europe Slovakia Jana Maškarová was presented as the new president of the Slovak police; seven years ago, Maškarová was appointed the first female police vice-president
Europe Slovakia Slovak malt has become an important export product in recent years: at present, Slovakia is one of the 10 largest exporters in the world, while in the European Union it ranks fifth after France, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands
Europe Slovakia President Peter Pellegrini conferred State honours on 18 personalities from social, cultural and sporting life, nine of them posthumously
Europe Slovakia The return rate of beverage containers in Slovakia remains consistently above 90% according to the administrator of the deposit return system