Asia Taiwan Sun Yat-sen National University said a Mandarin-language immersive school at its Kaohsiung campus, operated by Vermont-based Middlebury College, will begin enrolling US university students in spring 2024
Asia Taiwan Budget for National Military Museum has been increased adding NT$2,59 billion (US$80,62 million) to project 9 years in making; the defense ministry said the National Military Museum will be completed in August 2025
Asia Taiwan Bonuses for Taiwan’s Paralympic athletes have been increased: from NT$4 million (US$125.176) to NT$6 million for gold medal, the silver medal bonus will be upped to NT$2,1 million, and the bronze medal bonus to NT$1,5 million
Asia Taiwan Victor Gao, renown Chinese lawyer, businessman and academic - vice president of the Beijing-based Centre for China and Globalisation - affirmed that everyone in Taiwan must pledge there is 'one China and Taiwan is part of China' after 'reunification'
Asia Taiwan To strengthen defence, a new increase of NT$ 647 billion (US$19,80 billion) was approved on a total budget of NT$ 3,13 trillion for next year