Asia Thailand The BMA launched Sarawat Choey AI, an AI-upgraded traffic police figure to detect violations like illegal parking, helmetless riding, wrong-way driving; it records data for officer review and was first deployed near a major shopping mall in Bangkok
Asia Thailand A recent meeting of Thailand’s tripartite wage committee failed to reach a quorum, delaying discussions on raising the daily minimum wage to 400 baht, or $12.15; the meeting has been rescheduled amid concerns about the impact on small and medium companies
Asia Thailand Iconic Tom Yum Kung prawn soup is set to be recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage, Thailand’s fourth such listing with Khon masked dance (2018), Nuad Thai massage (2019), and Nora dance (2021)
Asia Thailand Event “Trip Nam Mai Arb”, literally Trip Without Shower, drew 6.000 motorcyclists to Phetchabun for a ride to Phu Thap Boek and Khao Kho National Park; police intervened to manage traffic congestion and ensure safety amid the overwhelming influx of riders
Asia Thailand In a landmark move towards ending statelessness, Thailand’s cabinet has approved an accelerated pathway to permanent residency and nationality for nearly half a million stateless people, marking one of the region’s most significant citizenship initiatives