Asia Taiwan The import ban imposed on certain foods from Fukushima area of Japan after major accident at the Fukushima Daichii nuclear power plant in 2011 has been lifted; it will be possible to import wild game, mushrooms and vegetable koshiabura again
Asia Taiwan Electricity prices will increase by an average of 12.5% for larger businesses, while fees for other customers will remain frozen, Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs said, announcing the second price hike in 2024
Asia Taiwan Budget for National Military Museum has been increased adding NT$2,59 billion (US$80,62 million) to project 9 years in making; the defense ministry said the National Military Museum will be completed in August 2025
Asia Taiwan Bonuses for Taiwan’s Paralympic athletes have been increased: from NT$4 million (US$125.176) to NT$6 million for gold medal, the silver medal bonus will be upped to NT$2,1 million, and the bronze medal bonus to NT$1,5 million
Asia Taiwan Victor Gao, renown Chinese lawyer, businessman and academic - vice president of the Beijing-based Centre for China and Globalisation - affirmed that everyone in Taiwan must pledge there is 'one China and Taiwan is part of China' after 'reunification'